Elisabeth Heindl

collages and thread drawings on Japanese paper | “Paries” | “Twin Towers” and “John Cage series”

Elisabeth Heindl’s work can be classified as Concrete Art. This style refers to a geometric abstraction that emphasizes the invisible, i.e., the spiritual content of a work. It is based on a manifesto of the art concret group from 1930. As a contemporary artist, Elisabeth Heindl has found her very own form of expression for this.

In some works in the Koenigshof Collection, she refers to John Cage. With his experimental musical compositions, he influenced the work of many artists. His exploration of chance phenomena and the performance of “silent pieces”, in which no sound is struck and the listeners themselves become the orchestra, are world-famous.

We can also experience silence in the works of artist Elisabeth Heindl. She draws ink lines with her free hand and lays the finest, transparent Japanese paper on top of each other to create illusionistic depth. In her installations and walk-in spaces, she also enables a very real physical experience in the three-dimensional world.

Eva Mueller | Art Consultant
Curator of the Koenigshof Collection


1960 born in Munich | 1975-1982 lessons in classical ballet and modern dance | 1980-1986 studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich with Professors Paolo Nestler, Sir Eduardo Paolozzi and Wolf-Dieter Meyer


2017 Scholarship of the Erwin and Gisela von Steiner Foundation | 1999 Scholarship of the Kunstverein Röderhof, State of Saxony-Anhalt | 1998 Scholarship of the Mathias Pschorr Foundation | 1994 Scholarship of the Erwin and Gisela von Steiner Foundation | 1986 1st Dachau Art Prize | 1984 Art Prize of the 88th German Catholic Congress, Munich

2018 Novia University of Applied Science and Arts, Jakobstad, Finland | 2017 Transfer, Orońsko/Poland | 2016 Sofia and Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria | 2015 Villa Paula, Klatovy/Klenová, Czech Republic | 2014 Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, Taliesin West, Scottsdale, USA | 2012 Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | 2010 Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Amherst, Virginia, USA | 2009 SÍM, Reykjavík, Iceland

Umweltbundesamt Dessau | Bruckmühl, Skulpturenweg | Fürstenfeldbruck, Kloster Fürstenfeld, Madárlátta | Drübeck, Kloster Drübeck, Himmelsschlüssel | Karlsruhe, Christuskirche, Kirchenträume | Matthäuskirche, Artionale, Munich | Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich | Bayerische Landesbank, Munich | District of Upper Bavaria | City of Ulm | MGM Mediagruppe Munich | Sparkasse, Höchstadt/Aisch | Artothek, Munich | Hiscox Insurance Company, Munich | City of Pfarrkirchen | Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Armherst, U. S.A. | Gallery Klatovy/Klenova, Czech Republic | Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Koenigshof Collection was curated by eva mueller Kunstberatung.