Gerhard Richter

“Abstract painting” | limited edition | color offset

Gerhard Richter is certainly one of the world’s best-known modern artists. He excels in a wide variety of artistic techniques, figurative painting, paintings that are deliberately characterized by their blurriness, photographs, or objects made of mirror surfaces, such as for the Reichstag building in Berlin on the occasion of reunification.

The color offset print represented here in the Koenigshof Collection refers to his “squeegee paintings”. This is a technique in which several layers of paint are applied on top of each other – and then scraped off in sections with a squeegee. He exhibited one of these abstract paintings at documenta 7 in 1982.

Eva Mueller | Art Consultant
Curator of the Koenigshof Collection


1932 born in Dresden | 1949-51 trained as a sign, stage, and advertising painter | 1952-56 Dresden Art Academy | 1961 fled from the GDR to the FRG | 1961-63 Düsseldorf Art Academy | 1966 guest lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg | 1971-93 professor at the Düsseldorf Art Academy | 1988 visiting professor at the Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main | 2004 Foreign Honorary Membership, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences | 2007 Honorary Citizenship of the City of Cologne | 2011 Film “Gerhard Richter Painting” by Corinna Betz | 2012 Member of the American Philosophical Society


1967 Kunstpreis Junger Westen, Recklinghausen | 1982 Arnold-Bode-Prize, Kassel | 1985 Oskar-Kokoschka-Prize, Vienna | 1988 Kaiserring, Goslar | 1995 Wolf-Prize der Wolf-Stiftung, Jerusalem | 1997 Golden Lion of the Biennale, Venice | 1997 Praemium Imperiale, Tokyo | 1998 Foreign Honorary Membership. The American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York | 1998 Wexner Prize, Ohio | 2000 State Prize of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Düsseldorf | 2001 Honorary Doctorate, Catholic University of Leuven | 2004 Art and Culture Prize of the German Catholics, Bonn | 2018 European Taurus Culture Prize

1959 Mural “Arbeiteraufstand” Bezirksleitung der SED in Dresden | 1967 Mural for the artists’ pub Creamcheese, Düsseldorf | 1973 Painting for the new BMW headquarters, Munich | 1979 Commission for vocational schools in Soest | 1992 Subway station in Duisburg together with Isa Genzken | 1991 HypoVereinsbank Düsseldorf | 1995 Museum of Modern Art, New York | 1996 Lenbachhaus Munich | 1999 Installation Reichstag Building Berlin | 2005 Installation of the Gerhard Richter Archive in the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden | 2007 Glass window for the Hohe Domkirche in Cologne | John Cage paintings in the Tate Modern, London | 2010 Albertinum, Dresden | 2013 Collection Museum Ludwig, Cologne | 2015 Neues Museum Nuremberg | 2016 Toyoshima Island, Japan | 2017 Reichstag Berlin | 2018 Dominikanerkirche City of Münster

The Koenigshof Collection was curated by eva mueller Kunstberatung.