Pablo Picasso

“The round dance (Der Reigen)” | graphic print

As a pioneer of new artistic styles in contemporary art, Pablo Picasso, with his extensive oeuvre of paintings, sculptures, ceramic works, collages, drawings and prints, is certainly one of the most internationally renowned and influential artists of modernism.

He is represented in the Koenigshof Collection with a motif that he designed for the Paris World Peace Congress in 1949. His dove became the symbol for peace worldwide. Here it is combined with another standard work of contemporary art. Picasso quotes the painting “The Dance” by his fellow artist Henri Matisse. In the original version, it shows five women dancing in the landscape. Picasso enlarged the number of participants in the dance – and abstracted them into moving figures with quick strokes.

Eva Mueller | Art Consultant
Curator of the Koenigshof Collection


1881 Born in Málaga, Spain | 1891 accepted at the School of Fine Arts in La Coruña at the age of 10 | 1995 Art Academy “La Llotja”, Barcelona, Spain | 1897 Royal Academy of San Fernando | 1900 First solo exhibition “Els Quatre Gats” | from 1901 Studios in Paris and Barcelona | 1908 Founding of Cubism with George Braque | 1973 died in Mougins, France


Museu Picasso, Barcelona, Spain | Musée Picasso, Paris, France | Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland | Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia | Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit USA | Le Musée d’Art moderne et d’Art contemporain, Liège, Belgium | Cleveland Museum of Art, USA | Ulmer Museum | The Salomon R. Guggenheim Museum NY, USA | Toledo Museum of Art, Spain | Berggruen Collection, Berlin | National Gallery of Art, Washington, USA | Baltimore Museum of Art, USA | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, USA | The Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA | Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia | Gemeentmuseum, The Hague, Netherlands | Tate Modern, London, Great Britain | Museum Ludwig, Cologne | Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington USA | Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen | Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland | Sprengel Museum Hannover | Kunstmuseum Pablo Picasso Münster | Rosengart Collection, Lucerne, Switzerland | Musée Picasso Antibes

The Koenigshof Collection was curated by eva mueller Kunstberatung.