Rebecca Horn

“The Journey of the Sufi” | Gislée print on cardboard | limited and signed edition

With her kinetic (mechanically moving) objects, Rebecca Horn is one of the most internationally renowned German artists. After an intensive exploration as a painter, she began making body sculptures in 1968, often in connection with performances, such as at documenta 1986. She later detached the apparatuses from the connection with human bodies. Violins, suitcases, batons, spiral drawers and much more became independent in minimalist movements. In the 1970s, Rebecca Horn also produced films in which she incorporated her objects into the narrative.

Her works were shown worldwide after 1993 as part of a traveling exhibition at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. What her art has in common is the development of movement structures that have a dynamic effect on the space with the help of kinetic objects. The presented work on paper, “The Journey of the Sufi”, also fits in with this, as these dervishes are known for their highly energetic, ecstatic trance dances that set the room vibrating.

Eva Mueller | Art Consultant
Curator of the Koenigshof Collection

VITA REBECCA HORN (short form)

Rebekka Horn was born in Michelstadt 1944 | 1963 Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Hamburg | 1971 Central Saint Martin’s School of Art, London, England | 1974 teaching at the California Art Institute, University of San Diego, USA | 1989 teaching at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin | 2024 Rebecca Horn died at 80

AWARDS (selection)

1971-1972 DAAD Fellowship, Central Saint Martin’s School of Art, London, England | 1975 Deutscher Kritikerpreis for the film Berlin, Exercises in Nine Parts: Dreaming Under Water of Things Afar | 1977 Kunstpreis Glockengasse, Cologne | 1979 Böttcherstraße Art Prize, Bremen | 1986 Documenta Prize, Kassel | 1988 Carnegie Prize; The Hydra Forest, Performing Oscar Wilde, Carnegie International, Pittsburgh, USA | 1992 Kaiserring der Stadt Goslar and Medienkunstpreis Karlsruhe | 2004 Barnett and Analee Newman Award, New York, USA | 2005 Hans-Molfenter-Prize, Stuttgart | 2006 Piepenbrock Prize for Sculpture Berlin | 2007 Alexej von Jawlensky-Prize der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden | 2009 Alice Salomon Poetry Prize, Berlin | 2010 Hessian Culture Prize | 2010 Premium Imperiale, Japan | 2011 Grande Médaille des Arts Plastiques, Académie d’Architecture de Paris, France | 2016 Member of the Order Pour le Mérite for Sciences and Arts | 2017 Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Prize, Duisburg

The Koenigshof Collection was curated by eva mueller Kunstberatung.