Sarah Morris

“Taurus” | Origami | 9 part leporello | digital pigment print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag paper | limited edition

Sarah Morris paintings are characterized by their brightly colored, geometric structures. They frequently take up entire walls. Morris thus abstracts urban places, predominantly in American metropolises, which she has previously captured in photographs or films. The designs for her pictures are created on the computer.

Since 1998, Sarah Morris has also been writing so-called “world city biographies”. In them, she captures the special atmosphere of the cities. Without judgment, she gives us access to the most diverse places. She is interested in political power relations as well as the distribution of social responsibility and people’s everyday lives. The result is highly aesthetic paintings – or films.

The leporello in the Koenigshof Collection is one of the artist’s rare graphic works. Countless shapes in vibrant colors unfold in nine parts to form a shimmering overall work that is reminiscent of looking into a kaleidoscope. Does a bull’s eye flash out here and there, as the title “Taurus” suggests? The vital power of this animal can certainly be felt.

Eva Mueller | Art Consultant
Curator of the Koenigshof Collection

VITA SARAH MORRIS (short form)

1967 born in Sevenoaks, Kent, Great Britain | 1985-89 Bachelor of Art, Brown University in Providence, USA | 1989-90 Independent Study Program, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA


1999-2000 “Philipp Morris Fellow” American Academy Berlin and Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin | 2001 “Joan Mitschell Foundation Painting Award”

Tate Collection, London, Great Britain | Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, USA | Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg | Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands | Museum of Modern Art, MoMA, New York, USA | Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig | Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum der Gegenwart, Berlin | Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Austria | Museum für Moderne Kunst, MMK, Frankfurt am Main | Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich | Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA | Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf | British Council Visual Arts, London, Great Britain | Centre Pompidou Paris, France | Consortium Dijon, France | Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey | Foundation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France | Fondazione Prade, Milan, Italy | Lever House, New York | Museo Jumex, Mexico City, Mexico | Museu Berardo, Lisbon, Portugal | Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, USA | Perez Art Museum Miami, USA | PinchukArtCentre Kyiv, Ukraine | Olbricht Collection, USA | Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York | TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza, Vienna, Austria | V&A Victoria and Albert Museum London, United Kingdom

The Koenigshof Collection was curated by eva mueller Kunstberatung.