Stefan Moritz Becker

“Light” | original painting | acrylic on laid paper
Right: Konrad Schmid

Both in his strongly colored, abstract paintings on canvas and paper, as well as in art in architecture projects with painted windows or his shadow installations, in which Stefan Moritz Becker marks the position of the sun with the incidence of shadows in space, the main theme of his art is always light. A central theme in art history: every depiction lives from the contrast of light and dark, from the incidence of light, the ingenious use of light and the associated accentuation in the picture.

In his site-specific works, Stefan Moritz Becker paints windows in a monochrome hue that completely changes the surrounding space depending on the time of day, the incidence of light and the weather. The entire architecture thus becomes a “picture”. His paintings, on the other hand, are “light pictures” that remind us of the wonderful phenomena of varying sunlight in nature.

Eva Mueller | Art Consultant
Curator of the Koenigshof Collection


1958 born in Munich | 1979-85 studied painting at the State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart | 1986-96 worked in New York | 2013 died in Munich


1986 DAAD Scholarship for New York, USA | 1994 Scholarship of the City of Munich | 1996 Symposium Art/Omi, New York State, USA | 1997 Erwin & Gisela v. Steiner Foundation, Munich | Siemens Cultural Program | 1998 Award of the Free State of Bavaria | 2002-04 Bavarian Studio Grant Program

1983 Deutscher Künstlerbund, Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin | 1985/1990 Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin | 1989/1991 Galerie Helmut Leger, Munich | 1995 Licht im Lazarett, Galerie FOE 156, Munich | 1996 Kunsthallen Brandt’s Klaedefabrik, Odense, Denmark | 1996 Trans Hudson Gallery New Jersey City, USA | 1996 New York Kunsthalle, USA | 1996 John Weber Gallery, New York, USA | 1997 Orangerie im Englischen Garten, Munich | 1997 Metropolitan Museum, Goethe-Institut, New York, USA | 1998 Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck | 2002 Markers for the Venice Biennale | 2002 Galerie Seippel/Projektraum, Cologne | 2003/04 Getrag, Getriebe- & Zahnradfabrik, Untergruppenbach, Heilbronn | 2003 Milestones for Peace, Museum Sztuki, Lódz, Poland | 2003 Traveling Exhibition Museo Ebraico, Venice, Italy | 2004 Painting and Photography, Galerie Anais, Munich | 2004/05 Pavillon Schloss Molsberg, Galerie Emmanuel Walderdorff | 2005 Flutgraben/Mauer, Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben, Berlin

Bush-Reisinger Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA | Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich | Frankfurter Hypothekenbank, Frankfurt/Main | Grund- und Hauptschule Munich-Moosach | Artothek der Stadt Munich | Landesbausparkasse, Munich | Gerling Group, Cologne | Force Computers, Neubiberg | Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich

The Koenigshof Collection was curated by eva mueller Kunstberatung.